Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It has been awhile since I have been able to post.. due to an ABUNDANCE of work for both school and the wedding. One of the most exciting things that has happened over the past couple of weeks was attending the University of South Carolina Awards Ceremony and then the University of South Carolina Education Department Awards Ceremony.

Both events were by invite only and lucky us we were invited to both!! That is because Shawn has received the prestige honor of being awarded with Most Outstanding Teacher and Leadership in the Physical Education Program for 2009. I always knew that he was among the best for other people to recognize it, not going to lie, cried at both ceremonies!! One of Shawn's good friends, Mark Taylor also received the award and I was so happy for both of them.

At the second awards ceremony some of Shawn's mentors were there and I was extremely pleased to shake hands with some of the best and most talented people in the physical education field. Yesterday Shawn also had the pleasure of being nominated to give a Retirement speech on behalf of the student body at one of his biggest inspirations. She is with him in the picture below. Saturday is the big day and I will be front row cheering on my future hubby who continues to make me prouder by the day.


Pam said...

How awesome!! You definitely have a right to be proud! Way to go, Shawn!!!

Nicholas Wright said...

Congrats Shawn!

Now where the hell is your name tag??