Dear Baby S,
Today we hit 38 Weeks... (More on that after our doctor appointment tomorrow)... I believe that August 17, 2011 would be a PERFECT birthday ;)wink wink;) Seriously, it's a great number, even one of daddy's favorite numbers... He wore the number 17 for baseball!! That would be fitting as well because one of the "set's" for your newborn sessions is a Yankees theme!! (Of course)... As if it isn't hard enough already to rip your daddy away from anything to do with sports, I have a feeling that I will be in double trouble with you as his partner in crime... Now back to 8*17*11, I think that tonight/tomorrow is FABULOUS for you to make an appearance!! Mommy is having a hard time doing, well, pretty much everything... I am 99% positive that today was my last day of work (bittersweet)... I'm just done, I hurt and am very very tired!!... And lastly man oh man these contractions are getting Paaaretty intense!!.. Last night I had them for about 5-6 hours straight but never got any closer than 8 minutes... Today was a little better but I can feel that you want to come out too, so COME JOIN THE PARTY LITTLE MAN!!.. We love you and I will see you soon (very soon) okay?!
8*17*11.. OKAY thanks love!!