Monday, August 15, 2011

Best Baby Daddy EVER!!

You see a long time ago I was at a Bridal Shower and while there I was maybe 3 months pregnant.. There were about three other pregnant women there and the topic obviously got brought up... Among the ladies there happened to be a female doctor there whom started talking about different things she sees in the hospital... At first it was funny and then I started thinking YIKES she's kind of picky and THEN I started getting mad and wanted to say EXCUSE ME have you ever been pregnant or even have a child?!?! As my pregnancy has gone on, obviously almost 38 weeks now, I get soooo mad thinking about this "girl"... Some of the things that she really talked about was how "mad" she gets when females go into the hospital in labor and have not 1. Shaved or 2. Gotten their toes painted... I am particularly urked because now I am paranoid at these things... For real hardest task of the day: Shaving yikes I can barely see my toes, let alone reach the base of my legs!!... Painting my toenails: COMPLETELY out of the question... I have stayed up to date on pedi's but was holding off because I wanted to get one closer to my due date (Which I did this past Friday)... SOOOOo last week when I had a doctor's appointment I looked down and OH NO JACKED UP toenails... But NO FEAR... Why? Because I have the best husband/Baby Daddy because he said no problem!! I got you!!...
Oops!!... How do you work this wand?!

How do they NOT get it on the skin?!

Okay, I got it...

TA DA!!!!


bonniew said...

He is the best! But you already knew that!

michelle said...

lol perffect!!! your little toes look like barney rubbles!

Misty Fishel said...

Ok truly the greatest guy EVER! His sweetness melts my heart!