Friday, May 20, 2011

25 weeks...

I am starting, scratch that... I am just not interested in posting a blog right now... Although Baby S has been completely 100% perfect this week I just feel run down... Soooo he is the size of an Eggplant, continuing to grow, I feel huge, I am getting more and more uncomfortable but love every moment of it... It has been a long work week... I'm spent, here are the pictures:


bonniew said...

It gets that way! You still look beautiful! Rest this weekend and just keep smiling that beautiful smile! Love Nannie

Jennifer said...

This made me laugh out loud! Hang in there, sister! They say pictures are worth a thousand words....just make sure to at least throw up a picture.... (well, not throw up...maybe post a picture would be a better way to phrase that?!?!?)