Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So I have been trying to be good, scratch that I am trying to do OKAY with what I consume with Little Baby S growing inside... I stay away from the soft cheeses (although I LOVE all cheeses), fish, out of control sugar (you find me a pregnant woman that stays away from sweets alllll the time), I even cut major excess caffeine/soda from my daily life... BUT COME ON THOUGH... How much of it MAJORLY effects babe there are sooo many clashing theories it makes my head spin... It wasn't until a month ago that I found out "TECHNICALLY" I am not supposed to consume large amounts of peanut butter/peanuts... WHOOOPS so I guess bagels pretty much every morning with peanut butter is a bad idea?!... So it all came to a head yesterday when at lunch I had a Diet Pepsi (also not supposed to have diet because of Aspartime) and Shawn said well you're not supposed to be drinking soda at all... WELL that sent me over the edge, I'm sorry but I can only handle so many 100's of ounces of H2O a day... And then I thought about it and was furious, my response: When you do research and can give me alternatives I will listen to you.. Then I stormed to the pool... (Hormones much?!) So I decided screw it, whatever no more caffeine (which means grouchiness from me, and major headaches...)... Water it is and major healthy eating from here on out... UNTIL this was a part of my Week 19 email update and I lost it... WHATEVER I am doing the best I can and a little caffeine/soda/cheese/tuna/peanut butter(alot of) and whatever else is okay as long as it isn't in excess...

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